Renee Kama
Do you have insurance? Why did you choose WHC as your health provider?
Yes, I’ve been blessed to always have health insurance. As a child, my father’s insurance provided for our family and we came to Waimānalo Health Center. Today, I’m fortunate to have a good job where I work hard to provide insurance for myself, my husband and our three girls. Coming to the health center is like a tradition for us. The practice has been passed down through generations. We wouldn’t have it any other way.
How long have you been a patient at WHC?
I don’t remember a time when I didn’t come to WHC. My brothers and I were patients here before it was called Waimānalo Health Center. I was blessed with my first baby girl when I was 15 years old and the health center took care of us. Between high school and a part-time job, I came to regular appointments at WHC to make sure she was growing strong and I was doing everything I could to have a healthy pregnancy.
What services have you used at WHC?
My family utilizes all WHC services. Waimānalo Health Center is our health care home. We look forward to growing our `ohana and community at the health center for years to come.
Would you recommend WHC to your friends/family? Why?
Absolutely. Waimānalo Health Center is a special place. It offers core medical and support services on-site, in close proximity. Community members don’t have to drive far to doctor or dentist appointments. Some people don’t have to drive at all! It’s easy to walk over because the health center is in the middle of our small town. The health center works with the state’s best medical specialists to diagnose and treat more complex health issues. One way or another, the health center is here for you, helping you achieve optimal health so you can live your life to the fullest.
What's the best thing about WHC?
The environment, it’s nurturing. Everyone I’ve met at the center – from the receptionists who greet me over the phone or in person, to its team of skilled doctors, nurses and other professionals – they help patients feel at ease. You need that when you’re not feeling well. I trust the people of Waimānalo Health Center with my health.
How has WHC made a difference in your life?
The health center has made me more aware of health issues. I’m thankful to have a healthy, happy family. My three girls and their dad and I trust the health center with our lives. I also trust the center with the health of my parents. My mother and father are getting older and naturally, we have to pay closer attention to their health. But the health center goes a step further. They help my parents and I understand our health. They empower us with information on what’s happening to our bodies and why. They give us the treatments, resources and direction necessary to make the best health choices possible in whatever circumstance.
Why is WHC vital to the community?
The health center provides community members convenient access to professionals who know how to protect your health and wellness in a respectful, caring manner. It’s nice to know there’s a place within walking distance where you can share the hardships of life. Whether you’re sick and need to see a doctor or need someone to talk to; a mental or behavioral health consultant, the health center’s got your back. Patients leave their appointments at Waimānalo Health Center feeling better about themselves. A sense of hope goes a long way.
What are some of the ways that WHC was able to provide support and guidance during your pregnancy?
Waimānalo Health Center equipped me with the information and care necessary for a healthy pregnancy. The Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program worked with medical doctors to create an individualized plan for my unique situation. Thanks to my family, friends and the health center, I was brave, confident and prepared to become a teenage mom.
Why did you decide to be on WHC's BOD?
I want to be a voice for my community. I’ve worked in corporate management, politics, non-profit, retail – you name it, I’ve tried it. I was searching for something I had all along. My community. This is where I belong. I’ve met many people during my journey which allows me the network and experience to help others. A board of directors needs to have vision and wisdom to guide its organization to a bright future. It gives me joy to be part of this `ohana, one that’s given me so much. It’s time to give back.
If others want to give back to WHC, what would you recommend they do? How can they help?
We’d greatly appreciate your time. Time to attend our events and become a patient. We invite you to experience the health center for first-hand understanding of what happens here. That way, you can help spread the word to others, challenging your family and friends to live a healthier, happier life.
How has WHC changed over the years?
The center’s programs have improved and its services expanded. There was time when there was only a family medicine clinic. Now we have dental, behavioral health, care coordination, vision. There’s so much more to offer now. We’re at our best but there’s room to grow. As our mission states, we’re committed to providing the highest level of primary and preventive health services. We’re always looking toward the future on our patients’ behalf.