Med-QUEST / Medicaid dental benefits are 100% covered for keiki & adults. Call today to schedule 808-259-7948.
Contact Us
Reception: 808-259-7948
Administration: 808-259-7949
For locations and hours, please visit our Locations page.
After Hours Support
If you have an urgent, non-life threatening medical issue, and your Primary Care Medical Provider is at Waimānalo Health Center, please call Doctor’s Answering Service Hawaii at 808-988-2188 to speak with a medical provider.
If you have a Dental, Behavioral Health, non-medical issue or other concern, please call our clinic during normal business hours, Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm, and Saturday 8am to noon.
If you have a life-threatening emergency, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
Share Your Mana‘o
Please use the form below to contact us or give feedback.
Your feedback is important to us. Your comments directly affect the way we improve programs and services, and your overall experience at Waimānalo Health Center. We welcome your comments anytime. Please use the form below or any of the "Share Your Mana‘o" boxes around the health center.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Share your mana‘o
How To Request Medical Records
Waimānalo Health Center patients may request a copy of their medical records. To do so, please complete all sections of the form: “Authorization for Release of Health Information”.
Please note you must sign the form and may be asked to provide proof of identification. Completed forms may be submitted in person or faxed to 808-259-7447.
If faxing the form, please be sure to include a phone number - along with the area code - where we may contact you if there are any questions.
You may also email the form to
Be aware, WHC cannot guarantee the security of email coming to us from an outside source.
There may be a fee associated when you request your medical record. The request may take up to 30 days to fulfill. If you are requesting for both medical and behavioral health records, separate forms must be used. If you have any questions or need special assistance, please call 808-954-7164. Mahalo.
Download form - Authorization for Release of Health Information
File type PDF
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© Waimanalo Health Center
Website design & development Wall-to-Wall Studios