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Behavioral Health Services
Welcome to WHC’s Behavioral Health Services, or Kukui, located at our Hale Ola ʻAlua site. We recognize that the treatment and recovery of your physical health can be impacted by high levels of stress in your life or your emotional state. We’re here to help. We work with WHC physicians and other staff to bring you the best coordinated care possible. You can meet with us one-on-one, with your partner or family, or in a group to help address your concerns.
Common Concerns
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Recovery from Trauma or Abuse
- Stress Management
- Anger Management
- Substance Use Problems
- Relationship Difficulties
- Parenting
- Caregiver Support
Common Health-Related Concerns
- Diabetes Care
- Chronic Pain
- Smoking Cessation
- Weight Management
- Cancer Care
- Sleeping Issues
- Heart Disease
Substance Use Treatment
WHC provides outpatient substance use therapy. Behavioral health staff work closely with WHC physicians for those that are interested and a good fit for office based medication assisted treatment for alcohol and opioid use disorders. Medication assisted treatment is the use of medication and therapy to reduce withdrawal symptoms and therefore increase rates of successful treatment. For patients needing more intensive services, such as intensive outpatient or residential drug treatment, our behavioral health care coordinator can assist with the referral process.
WHC Kukui programs help patients understand, cope with, and overcome behavioral health concerns. Programs are offered in group and individual sessions and are held based on availability. Patient groups offered in the past include:
- Diabetes Support Group
- Hoʻoluʻolu Chronic Pain Management Group
- Tobacco/Smoking Cessation Program
- Depression Group
- Parents’ Group
- Kids’ Group
Please contact us directly if interested in a particular program.
All patient records and services are kept and provided with the strictest confidence. The personal information you share is completely confidential unless you sign a release form or if the law requires disclosure.
Frequently Asked Questions
I don’t have insurance; can I still be seen?
Yes, our Sliding Fee Scale makes medical care accessible and affordable for uninsured patients. Waimānalo Health Center’s goal is to improve your health and wellness regardless of ability to pay. Your behavioral health appointments can be discounted for uninsured patients.
Do I need a referral to see a Behavioral Health provider at WHC?
No. Your Primary Care Physician (PCP) may refer you if they believe you would benefit from the services, however, this is not required. You may self-refer for services at any time.
Do I need to have my PCP at WHC in order to access Behavioral Health services?
No. If you need a PCP, we recommend establishing care with one of our own medical doctors, however, this is not a requirement.
Is it normal to be hesitant and nervous about seeing behavioral health?
Yes. Some people worry about being judged or misunderstood. Others may worry about sharing deeply personal information. Others are concerned that therapy will not help. Our behavioral health providers at Waimānalo Health Center strive to make people feel comfortable through treating them with respect and compassion. Most people find that after a few minutes the worry about meeting with us decreases.
What if I’m not sure I could benefit from Behavioral Health services?
A Behavioral Health provider can help you determine this during an intake session. You are not committed to anything beyond an intake session however this initial visit can help to talk through your presenting concerns and decide whether Behavioral Health could help.
How do services intended for a child or adolescent differ from adults?
Our behavioral health providers teach coping skills in an age-appropriate manner. Depending on the problem, we’ll meet with the child or adolescent one-to-one to teach these skills. Other times, we’ll ask the parents or caregivers to be involved in their child’s treatment to give updates or develop skills to address their child or adolescent's concerns.
More Behavioral Health FAQs
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Still have questions?
Call us directly at (808) 259-7948. Mahalo!
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