Hōʻoluʻolu Clinic Blessing and Grand Opening
Posted August 02, 2023

Please join for the blessing and grand opening of the Waimānalo Health Center Hōʻoluʻolu Clinic on Wednesday, August 9, 10am-12pm at Waimānalo Health Center.
The health center is thankful to have this pain clinic available to mālama patients, offering holistic healing with fully integrated Native Hawaiian practices including lāʻau lapaʻau, lomilomi, and noʻonoʻo pono.
Mahalo nui to UnitedHealthcare for their support, partnership, and impact through their Traditional Methods of Healing Program.
Hōʻoluʻolu Clinic Blessing and Grand Opening
Wednesday, August 9, 2023
at Waimānalo Health Center
41-1347 Kalanianaʻole Hwy
Waimānalo, HI 96795